Monday, April 28, 2008

My 2nd BowlingForCash Payment!

I actually received the payment over a week ago, but my camera wasn't working at the time so I am posting it now. This is my 2nd payment ($15.04) from BowlingForCash. I have been a member of this site for quite awhile but hadn't really worked the site until recently..and I'm so happy I did. It is now one of my favorites! They have some higher paying freebie offers, which for me are crediting very well. They also have the daily Win Pin Game. Each day you can pick a number (1-10). You automatically win 1 Bowling Pin just for playing, but if you pick the lucky number for the day you win 5 Bowling Pins! You can then redeem your Bowling Pins for referrals, cash or gift cards! BowlingForCash gives you $1 just for signing up and has a low $10 minimum cashout - paid via Check, Paypal, Revolution Money Exchage, or Gift Card (Amazon and


EPanonymous said...

have you checked out ??

I didnt see it on your list... but it's def. one of my favorites!!
