Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Some Great Promos -Going on NOW!

There are some great promos and contests going on from now until the end of April:
Crashin4Cash- April 20- 30th. The member with the most completed offers wins $15!
My Red Carpet Cash-Top earner in April wins $500!
The Dragons Gold- April 22 thru April 28. Week of Madness Completion Contest. Paying top 5 spots. 1st place wins $125!
Raining Riches- Has a different promo going on every day this month. Promo for today 4/22 is "Earn $1 and get a $1 Bonus" (limit 1 bonus per person).
Mermaids Sand Dollars- April 14th thru 27th. For every 10 offers completed, get an EXTRA $2!