Friday, July 11, 2008

Paid Again by PayPerPost

I have received another payment ($5) from PayPerPost! I have now done a total of 16 opps. (still waiting for approval on 2 of them) and have made a total of $136.08. One thing that I am really liking about PPP is that, since I am now doing opps. for them more regularly I will be receiving payments every 2-3 days...sometime more often.


Metallman said...

Congrats my friend. I'm a member too but I only have like 10 ops that I have done. I think I need to be more involved in that to make some cash. Good luck on your quest!

Symphony of Love said...

Congrats on getting regular income from doing opps in PayPerPost. I actually signed up for it a few months back but did not really get down to understand the mechanics of how it works.

LadyJava said...

Congrats on earning online.. If you are looking for more opportunities to earn online do check out my lens at

Have fun :)

benza said...

Kiki, if you guide me how to do well in Pay Per Post or whatever site you have earned from I shal donate my 1st 3 earnings to you.
You see, Kiki, it is not the money but the sense of achievement when i earn online could be great.
You can earn extra money by trainning me.........Tutoril Fees.
Write me at
This offer is serious and you will gain ALL what you make me a 70 yr old man living with my daughter and having a great time with grandkids.
So money need I have none ... and anyone that teaches me can have all what I earn......I can follow your instructions quickly as I have a fast Laptop.
Say 'Yes' and help me and yourself too !