Friday, July 4, 2008

My First PayPerPost Payment!

The photo above shows my current PayPerPost stats. I also have received my first payment from them for $20!


Gregg Prickett said...

Well, this is pretty interesting.

How long ago was it that you signed up with them? What was the amount of time and work put in to get this?

I had been thinking about trying this and I am glad to see that you had a great result.

You might also want to try SendEarnings. They are a survey/offers site. I have collected checks totally almost $60 from them in the last three months. Go to my blog - - and hit their ad for more into.


Kiki said...

I signed up with them at the end of May and did my first post on May 30th. They pay you 30 days after you do each the $20 payment shown here is for the one I did on May 30th.

As for the time and work involved...writing the posts doesn't take very long at all. The advertisers will tell you what they want in the post (number of words, links and/or photos to include etc..) and you just write the post around their requirements.

And about Send Earnings, I am a member there as well. I am still working my way towards my first cashout, only a few more dollars left to go :)

boss65 said...

what exatclty is pay per post and how does one get started

infinitewebprofit said...

Congrats on your first earning!!!

I just signed up today with PPP.
Hope I enjoy taking up some future post from them.