Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Paid Blogging- My Progress So Far

I had said in a previous post that I would give an update on my progress with paid blogging. So far it has been going great and I love it! I did my first opp. at PayPerPost back on May 30th. Since then I have done 8 more with my total earnings currently at $83.50! I think that's pretty good! Of course I hope to gradually increase my earnings over the next few months. I will be adding my personal blog to my PPP account soon. You have to have 10 approved posts to add another blog, so only 1 more to go for me! I also just did my first post for Social Spark. So far I have made $7 with them. I have also submitted my blog to a few other sites, but I am still waiting for approval on those.


Nancy Janiola said...

Hi..hopping here from LR...hey, this is great..congratulations..keep focused and more opps!!